Tenerife is a beautiful island that fascinates not only beacuse of its history and culture, but also the amazing legends about Tenerife and many other myths about the Canary Islands. Here is a collection of the most interesting stories about the islands that many ancient authors such as Homer, Horace, Plato, Plutarch and Ptolemy called “The Paradise“, Champs Elysees, The Gardens of the Hesperides or Islands of Happiness.

Amazing Legends About Tenerife

  • Atlantis

One of these amazing legends about Tenerife says that the island is part of the lost city of Atlantis – the mythical land which dissapeared under the water in IX millennium BC. Scientists say that the pyramids which were found in the Canaries confirm this hypothesis and suggest that Tenerife and the other islands belong to the area of this lost culture. Another evidence can be the fact that the original inhabitants of the island mummified the corpses and made trepanation of the skull like the Aztecs and Mayans did.

Legends about El Teide in Tenerife

  • Achaman and Guayota

According to other legends, the first inhabitants of the islands, the Guanches, believed that on the top of Teide lived Demon called Guayota, who kidnapped Magec – the god of sun – and put him inside the crater. That’s why the island was plunged into the darkness. Then people started to beg for help Achaman – god of heaven. He listened their requests, freed the sun and closed the volcano which stopped to erupt.

  • Drago trees

Another one is about unusual trees that are growing in Tenerife. Legends tell that in the island was living Ladon – a dragon with 100 heads who guarded the golden apples in the garden of the Hesperides. The dragon was killed by Heracles, from his blood grew beautiful trees with twisted branches resemble dragon’s head and these are called “dragon trees” (Dracaena drago). When this tree is cut, comes out a dark liquid called dragon’s blood, and is often used for medical purposes. These trees grow slowly, but they live hundreds of years. In the island grows one which probably has around 1,000 years.

Legends About the Canary Islands

  • Gara and Jonay

Another beautiful legend about Guanches: Gara, a beautiful princess from La Gomera, fell deeply in love with Jonay, a prince from Tenerife. Despite the disapproval of their parents, they were determined to be together. Jonay embarked on a perilous journey, swimming across the waters using inflated goat’s hides to reach his beloved. However, their happiness was short-lived as their families, fearing the ominous Teide volcano, objected to their union. Faced with opposition, Gara and Jonay sought refuge on the highest mountain. Tragically, their love was doomed, and they were surrounded by warriors. In a final act of devotion, they embraced and drove a sharpened stick through their hearts, choosing to die together rather than live apart. To this day, the mountain and National Park are known as Garajonay, preserving the memory of their extraordinary love.

  • Ropa vieja

One of the most popular dishes in Tenerife and the Canary Islands is associated with a touching legend. Ropa vieja is a dish whose name does not sound appetizing, and literally means “old rags”. The story is about a poor man who, not having what to feed his family, cut to pieces of his old clothes and served like dinner. However, in preparing the “meal” he puts so much love that rags turned into delicious beef.

  • San Borondón

There is also an interesting legend about an eighth „spectrum” island which belong to the Canary archipelago. Its name is San Borondon from the name of an Irish monk: St. Brendan from Clonfert, who was also called Brendan The Sailor. This monk during a sea expedition reached a certain island which abound with all goods. Apparently, along with his companions spent there a few years, then returned to Ireland. Later many sailors tried to reach the island, but without any result. Many people also said that they saw in the distance the edges of island, but when they came closer it disappeared. Apparenly San Borondon was also seen from the top of Teide.

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